3. Develop a Theme

Taking the time to ask questions, look around, listen, and pray about who you are as a church community in regards to the giving of your finances to the church is vital to choosing a theme. Creativity without authenticity will create a disconnect for parishioners to your campaign.

Dr. Seuss says, "Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." Your church is unique. It has a personality. Your campaign theme tells the story of your mission and calling in the season of life that you are in; your campaign year. Telling your story through a campaign theme simply clarifies your message, your testimony, and your role in reflecting God's character. Daunting isn't it?

Your church brand should inform your theme. Your theme should support your brand. They should not be disconnected from one another. If your church recently had a fire, that event is a part of your brand; ie, its what's on people's minds and what they think of when they think of your church. So, be careful/intentional when choosing your theme of "Igniting the fire" to make sure that it isn't received poorly or out of context.

Your theme should inspire. A theme of "Wandering the Desert" isn't very inspiring, is it? This communicates being lost, not knowing where you are going, and it communicates that you are operating in a mindset of scarcity, not abundance. Inspiration is vital to your campaign theme.

Lastly, your theme should be simple, clear, and easy to remember. Your theme will only effective if your audience can understand it quickly.

Sample Annual Campaign Themes

  • Shining Our Light. Sharing Our Love. Making God's Love Visible.

  • ThanksLiving: An Attitude of Gratitude

  • Love. Care. Give.

  • Made in God's Image

  • More Than Enough

  • Embracing Joy

  • Loving Without Limits

  • A Journey of Generosity

  • GIFT: Growing in Faith Together

  • Living Generously

  • Strengthening Our Spiritual Home

  • Grateful Giving

  • Our Whole Heart

  • Expanding Branches and Deepening Roots

  • Together....as One

  • The Great Invitation

  • Inspired to Share

  • Growing in Generosity

  • Walking the Way - journey together to explore how the practice of intentional giving deepens our walk with Christ and supports life-giving ministries to our community and beyond.  Day by day, week by week, people in and around St. John’s experience their life of faith in new and deeper ways through your commitment.  Your generosity generates mission and changes lives.

  • Tree of Life - http://www.ecfvp.org/tools/217/rector